呉羽の歴史 / HISTORY

原始(旧石器時代〜弥生時代)/ Paleolithic period – Yayoi period ( about 30,000 – 1800 years ago )
The remains were discovered about 30,000 to 15,000 years ago. About 6,000 years ago, the brackish waters of the lagoon extended to the foot of the Kureha Hills. We can see the vestige of the people who lived there. It is Odake shell midden and the largest midden on the Sea of Japan side.
From the end of the Yayoi period, ancient tombs that had closely related to the Izumo region of western Japan had began to be built.
古代(古墳時代〜平安時代)/ Kofun period – Heian period ( about 250 – 1185 )
At the end of the Kofun period, tunnel tombs were built around the Kureha Hills. Under the control of the central government, ironware and ceramics were made and large settlements were also born.
中世(鎌倉時代〜安土桃山時代)/ Kamakura period – Azuchi-Momoyama period ( 1185 – 1600 )
The mountain castle ‘Shiratori-jo’ that utilized Joyama often appeared on historical documents as a strategic point. On the Kureha yama side, you can see some historical sites, such as an important shrine where a famous warrior prayed for victory about 800 years ago, the place where the lord of Toyama had his head shaved when he surrendered about 400 years ago, and so on.
近世(江戸時代〜大政奉還)/ Edo period – the Restoration of Imperial Rule ( 1603 – 1867 )
The Kureha Hills have been also popular as cherry blossom viewing sites since Genroku era about 300 years ago. People irrigated water and cultivated rice. However, the west side of the hills was not suitable for rice. So they cultivated mulberry trees or tea trees.
近代(明治時代〜大正時代)/ Meiji period – Taisho period ( 1868 – 1926 )
When Emperor Meiji came to Toyama, a new road was built. Thanks to this road, cultural exchange and distributions livened more activity. Cultivation of pears began in 1890 and pears became a specialty of Kureha. During Taisho period (1912-1926), Kureha became more popular as a tourist destination.
現代(昭和時代〜 平成時代) / Showa period – Heisei period ( 1926 – 2019 )
Large factories such as a smelter and a spinning mill started operations. After World War II, cultural facilities were opened one after another and Kureha became a place of education and culture. There are wonderful natural promenades along the ridge as well where many people enjoy trekking.
これから / Now and Future ( 2020 – )
Currently, a suspension bridge between Joyama and Kureha-yama is under construction. The bridge will be completed in 2023 and at 124 meters in length, a width of 1.8meters, and about 30 meters above the ground, it will become the best spot to enjoy the view while trekking.